The coronary artery bypass grafting surgery is an open heart procedure which relieve the blockages of the arteries of heart. Ethiopia’s healthcare system is the least developed in Africa and presently it is not able to cope with the significant health problems. The widespread poverty, low educational levels, poor nutritional status and poor access to health services have contributed to the high burden of ill health in Ethiopia. Additionally, the life expectancy is about 54 years and it is expected to decline to 46 years.
India offers low cost coronary artery bypass grafting surgery which is easily accessible by the patients from Ethiopia. During a heart attack, certain areas of the heart do not receive adequate blood supply and can be starved of oxygen and nutrients which results in areas of the heart which are ischemic. Performing the surgical procedures such as a CABG will re-perfused these areas using a free-vein or arterial bypass connecting the normal areas of the arteries to the less perfused regions and bypass the blocked arteries. The bypass sections of the veins and arteries are harvested from elsewhere in the body such as leg, arm or within the chest itself.
India offers low cost coronary artery bypass grafting surgery which is easily accessible by the patients from Ethiopia. During a heart attack, certain areas of the heart do not receive adequate blood supply and can be starved of oxygen and nutrients which results in areas of the heart which are ischemic. Performing the surgical procedures such as a CABG will re-perfused these areas using a free-vein or arterial bypass connecting the normal areas of the arteries to the less perfused regions and bypass the blocked arteries. The bypass sections of the veins and arteries are harvested from elsewhere in the body such as leg, arm or within the chest itself.
Cardiac surgeries in India now comprises of using the sophisticated technologies involving the innovative methods that are introduced to offer a distinctive care for the high-risk surgeries. A report from 2005 shows that a mojrity of open heart surgeries done are CABGs and the heart valve replacements. Success of the surgery depends on the teamwork from the surgeons, perfusionist, anaesthesiologist, nurses and technicians who perform this procedure. Usually, the bypass surgery is performed under the general anesthesia. The surgeon will cut the chest wide open to access the heart. A special heart-lung machine will be used for bypassing the blood when the heart is stopped to perform the surgery.
This will oxidize the impure blood and send it back to the body. The vein from the legs or the arteries from the chest wall or forearm will be harvested depenfing on the number of blocks and the patient’s age. They are cleaned and then sutured to the arteries above and below the plaque that creates a bypass for the blood flow and reinstate the oxygen supply to the heart muscle. The chest layers will be sutured and the patient is transported to the ICU or the post surgical care unit.
Surgery can be performed while the heart is still breathing or pumping the blood and this is called as off-pump coronary bypass surgery. This procedure can be performed on a majority of patients but most of the patients with certain unfavourable conditions such as unstable hemodynamics or blockage in the vessels is less accessible when the heart is beating and hence need to use the heart lung machine.
The minimally invasive direct coronary artery bypass (MIDCAB) is performed without using the perfusion pump. The incision is made relatively smaller and on the left side of the chest, closer to the heart. A small portion of the rib will be removed to access the heart and this can be performed only on patients needing one to two grafts on the arteries which are in close proximity to the incision. The surgery will last about three to six hours and the total hospital stay depends on the individual progress and may vary anywhere between seven days ot more in case of complications. The coronary artery bypass grafting surgery cost in India at India Cardiac Surgery Site is about 4,000-5,000 USDs. Contact us to book your surgery at the best hospitals in India.
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